on my bookshelf... 

closest to my heart & always on a bookshelf nearby...
at home in the world : tsh oxenreider
chasing slow : erin loechner
eat, pray, love : elizabeth gilbert
the mama sutra : anne cushman
momma zen : karen maezen miller
sacred rest : saundra dalton-smith
simplicity parenting : kim john payne
the soul of discipline : kim john payne
wintering : katherine may


inner beauty : reenita malhorta hora 


career + personal development 

finding flow : mihaly csikszentmihalyi 

the cultural creatives : paul ray + sherry ruth anderson 

not just a living : mark henricks 

the e-myth: revisited : michael gerber 

the martha rules : martha stewart 

love is the killer app : tim sanders 

the tipping point : malcolm gladwell 

unleashing excellence : dennis snow + teri yanovitch 

the experience economy : b. joseph pine III + james h. gilmore 


creativity + personal development 

the 12 secrets of highly creative women : gail mcmeekin 

the artists way : julia cameron 

the 9 muses : angeles arien 

circle of stones - woman's journey to herself : judith duerk 

creativity: unleashing the forces within : osho 
letters to a young poet : rainer maria rilke

simple abundance : sarah ban breathnach 
the war of art : steven pressfield


novels, non-fiction + stories

the book of two ways : jodi piccoult

the red tent : anita diamant 

traveling with pomegranates : sue monk kidd + ann kidd taylor 
walking with sam : andrew mccarthy

women who run with wolves : clarissa pinkola estes 

committed : a skeptic makes peace with marriage : elizabeth gilbert 

living together : how couples create design harmony at home : erica lennard 

the hard questions : susan piver 

if the buddha married : charlotte kasl 

101 things i wish i knew when i got married : linda bloom + charlie bloom 


a room of her own : women's personal spaces : chris madden 

feng shui and health : the anatomy of a home : nancy santo pietro 
feng shui for skeptics : real solutions without superstition : kartar diamond 

creating sacred space with feng shui : karen kingston 

the power of place : winifred gallagher 
the power of vastu living : kathleen cox 

the poetics of space : gaston bachelard 

the architecture of happiness : alan de boton 

homes that heal and those that don't : athena thompson 

the wabi-sabi house : robyn griggs lawrence 

wabi sabi simple : richard r. powell 

women's wisdom + health 

consciously female : tracy gaudet, md 

a woman's book of life : joan borysenko 

the circle of life : elizabeth davis 

women's sexual passages : elizabeth davis 
hormone intelligence : aviva romm